I am a family man and run a business within the Borough. I am a scientist, an analyst and believe in the rigorous scrutiny of information. You can be sure that all the other parties, whether they like it or not, will all agree, that I like the truth. I have tirelessly campaigned for the last 15 years to ensure the interests of local people are put first. I believe that the other parties are untrustworthy and have lost touch with people. Up to very recently I was a Conservative Council candidate for Teddington and polled very strongly increasing the Conservative vote by 51% within the 2010 local election, but I very quickly found that the promises made were not honoured.
I played a large part in writing the Conservative manifesto in 2010 and scripted the “Putting People First” philosophy and headline, but its amazing that only a fraction of what was proposed was embarked on. I must admit that although I was disappointed by this, it was a step in the right direction compared to the Council that was “centrally controlled” by the Lib Dems. The Lib Dems do not keep the their promises anything like the Conservatives. The Conservatives try hard, but never seem to get what local people want. The Lib Dems on the other hand promise the World, in the full knowledge that they are going to do whatever they like.
In contrast to this I would like to just offer people a choice, work with them, learn from them and represent their views, aspirations and requirements. I believe in direct democracy and have a great deal of respect for the intelligence and wisdom of local people, because I have worked very closely and effectively with so many local groups (please see the campaigns page). I could no longer work with the Conservatives, because they couldn’t quite fulfill their intentions, but I could never work with the Lib Dems, as they never play with a straight bat.
I joined UKIP in 2012 to have a sustainably country, a stable sovereign nation that is run from Parliament, not the EU. You may say what a strange conclusion considering the information from the media, that said remain was best. But I don’t believe the media and once I found out the reality for myself that the EU believed in global consumerism, economic growth and stated in its Treaties that it aims to have “ever closer integration of nations”, I knew that UKIP was the only group that had everyone’s interest at heart on this matter. However, as it says of the news page April 2nd, things have moved on, we are no longer under the threat of losing the UK to the EU and I am now looking for political evolution to ensure a safer, smarter more sustainable future.
You will find the UK is no longer safe in the hands of the Lib Dems, Conservatives, Labour or SNP. The future doesn’t have to be their way, the future could be bright and be your way, the future is safer with you and Parliament making the decisions. Just have a look at these the websites below, the first is for the World, the second is for the UK and the third is where you can verify this information. Whilst the Lib Dems, Conservatives and Labour are embarked on “playground politics”, like some silly game, exponential growth is happening every minute of every day and it is only suitably qualified and experienced environmental professionals that are technically and competently highlighting this and working on the answers.
In this ever increasingly competitive World sustainability brings people back to their senses, are the only responsible party wishing to discuss and solve the modern day pressures facing the UK and wish to do this with the British people. The other parties are not engaging with the issues that affect the day to day lives of the general public and therefore the only logical thing to do is to get rid of these irrational career minded politicians and vote for Sustainability.
World Statistics
UK Statistics
UK Office Of National Statistic (verification of figures)
The evidence is clear from the Governments own figures, the population is rising like no other time in the history of the UK. But facing up to this and providing future solutions to this “steady growth” is clearly the only responsible thing to do. Please go to videos and see what the implications of population growth are for everyone.